Monday, February 22, 2016


I just heard about Superdelegates, and I am sick. Why does the party call itself the Democratic Party? Shouldn't it be called the Plutocratic Party, or maybe the Autocratic Party?

The moral high ground looks like an anthill.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What's Now in the News

Well, politics and regional partisan rivalries is just getting too nasty. Even the staid old Washington Post has gotten into name-calling, calling residents of New Hampshire swamp Yankees and making it sound like a colder version of Kentucky or Jersey.

And some old cow has promised me real estate in Hell. Which, in a liberal universe, would be Heck. 

While no one is saying necessarily that Americans are getting more broad-beamed, U.S. Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn) has introduced a bill mandating minimum passenger seat size on airlines.

The media is still hashing out which Super Bowl commercial was the best; and Beyoncé triumphed over Coldplay, which is about like Adele or Kelly Clarkston triumphing over Nickleback.

The University of Iowa got its goat back.

And how about a ten year-old supermodel?

Monday, February 8, 2016

The 'Super Bowl Babies' Commercial

Am I the only one stunned by the "Super Bowl Babies" commercial? The commercial, if you had taken a pee or went to fetch a advertised Super Bowl-sponsored beer and didn't see them, featured groups of cute children in different groups plus some adults who were born nine months after the parents' preferred team won the Super Bowl.

Is the N.F.L. saying that your team winning the Super Bowl is an occasion for unprotected coitus? Of course, the horny parents could be married, but there's no way of knowing.

This series of commercials could be a harbinger for others, like the parents buy a new Toyota. They immediately drive off into the park, get into the back seat for a celebratory screw. Or the Doritos makes you horny commercial. Or sometime incorporate a strip into the product ad leading up to standing intercourse.

At least hopefully we won't see Clydesdale sex!