Well, the halcyon days of Spring finally came to Nashville; and Katarina had come back home after a year abroad working as a translator in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and Kyiv, Ukraine. Gosh, the winters there were cold! And the carefree Devushka styles she had worn the previous summer had been put away for the late fall and winter. The Nashvillian spring had a lot more warmth than she was used to; and she deliberately planned to underdress for the weather wearing her bold, flashy halter and bare midriff. (Even with a little muffin top.)
That went over like a lead balloon with her kinfolks in Davidson County.
"Scandalous," they exclaimed; and an affront to Tennessean righteousness. However, this is akin to the pot calling the kettle black. After all, Tennessee is really up there when it comes to opiate abuse and meth labs.